Hillary refuses to talk transcripts AGAIN, after repeated requests to answer the question

Hillary flatly refused to answer the question about the Goldman Sachs speech transcripts, after REPEATED insistent repeating of the question (by Dana Bash. See here ). What exactly is this? Is this acceptable? It’s quite concerning if you want to place candidate transparency at any level of importance. JUST ANSWER the question, Hillary. This should be a HUGE, AWFUL demerit Continue Reading

The “angry” characterization of Bernie supporters really makes me angry

I’m so sick of “Emo Prog”, “angry” characterizations, which leave me feeling that it is “politically uncorrect” to be angry at what has happened to our bought and sold “Democracy” (and there,  I revealed my own ANGER.  Please set aside your “measured” position and look at just why this anger exists,  and spare me the argument that it is “extreme”, Continue Reading

The denial of Denial in the Church

One could say that it has been 25 years since the world has really begun to hear the most pressing concerns of the Climate Science community. Since then, we really don’t have any excuses for how long we’ve allowed things to simply continue (to continue systematically poisoning the ecosystem in unprecedented ways; “unprecedented” in the history of the planet. Continue Reading

UCC – Mention on 2nd level under “Advocate for Justice”

There’s a menu dropdown titled “Advocate for Justice” which includes “Understand the issues”,  so selecting this from the dropdown yields a page that includes “Environment” with two links, compared to 8-12 listings under other areas like “Economic Justice”.  All of this sure shouts to me that some serious updating of their categories and thinking about Climate is in order.  They Continue Reading

Churches need to bring to the fore the grassroots faith-based Climate message

A study on right wing “studies” article offers this depiction of “the arguments” the Right has vs Climate Change.  Seems accurate. three basic messages: (1) Climate change isn’t happening. (2) If climate change were happening, that would still be OK, because climate change is good for you. (3) Even if climate change were happening and it was bad, the solution Continue Reading

The stakes are higher than simply dismissing the folks with their “heads in the sand”

Denial of science is MUCH MORE DESTRUCTIVE today than when the Church in the Middle Ages denied the science of Copernicus. It was an easy matter and of no real consequence for the life of the inhabitants of the planet that so many Christians fell in line with the old world view, “because the Bible.” Now, things are different. Ignoring Continue Reading