News Spaces Within the Shell of the Old: Where Does #OWS Go From Here? by JWilson-Hartgrove #wildgoose12

I’ll be at The Wild Goose Festival later this week,  and my friend Jeremy John and I have set aside two sessions there for some conversation about the Occupy movement and what it means for the church.  I just saw this article from last fall at the beginnings of Occupy by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove re: Occupy and the church. for many Continue Reading

America’s Street Priest by Chris Hedges #OWS #OccupyChurch

Chris Hedges in TruthDig yesterday: Trinity had the demonstrators arrested. It chose to act like a real estate company, or the corporation it has become, rather than a church. Fr. D.Berrigan: “It is up to us to take the initiative and hope the churches catch up” Berrigan believes, as did Martin Luther King, that “the evils of capitalism are Continue Reading

The Pope is Apparently not a Republican | Richard Rohr #OccupyChurch

“The world of finance, while necessary, no longer represents an instrument that favours our well-being or the life of mankind, instead it has become an oppressive power, that almost demands our adoration, mammon, the false divinity that truly dominates the world.” Who said that? A socialist? A number of the Occupy Movement? An economic advisor to President Obama? None of Continue Reading

Trinity Institute Lectures – Wall St Dialogues: Occupy as a Leap of Faith 02.01.12 #OccupyChurch

I just had a friend forward me an email he got from an acquaintance invitinghim to join “Occupy Cafe”.  So I did.  And I ran across this link to one of the organization’s people talking at Trinity Wall St. about the moral and ethical implications of the Occupy movement.  So here it is

Occupy Vocation: to make visible a diffr’t kind of world & a diff’rt kind of life together

The occupation movement has, at its heart, the unmasking and unveiling of true identity. Through the shared communal practices and liturgies of general assemblies, common language, shared music, disciplined endurance, and a willingness to suffer, Occupy Denver seeks to reclaim not only physical public space, but also, a deeper sense of communal identity. It seeks to make visible a different Continue Reading

Developing a Theology of & for #OWS mvmt (Pt 2 of 3) #OccupyChurch

What so many don’t understand is the point made in this article: This is a structural sin: despite best intentions, we have made it impossible to do good.  This sin must be repented of and atoned for. In drawing attention to it, the Occupy Movement is a prophetic voice. Structural sin is so imbedded,  that the dictates of the Continue Reading

#OWS Versus Trinity Wall Street? via Rock and Theology #occupyChurch

from the article: Occupy is appealing to Trinity, a very wealthy church, to share its resources (prime Manhattan real estate, currently empty but presently leased on a short-term basis to a tenant) with the Occupy movement whose social goals are ostensibly the same as Trinity’s – a more just world for more people – and many of whose participants explicitly Continue Reading

#OWS presents a ‘fracture of good order’ for Trinity Church w/ Chris Hedges and Daniel Berrigan HT @Micahbales

Jesuit priest and war resister Daniel Berrigan, soft-spoken but still eloquent at 91, and journalist Chris Hedges joined members of Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Faith at Zuccotti Park on Thursday morning. They gathered to sing, pray and denounce the continued determination of Trinity Church, an Episcopal parish, to cooperate with the prosecution of OWS protesters. To understand why Continue Reading

A body blow for the US labour movement via@AJEnglish #OWS #OccupyChurch

“Obama didn’t want to come here to this state because he didn’t want to touch this race with a ten-foot pole. He wanted more than anything to avoid this race becoming a referendum on his presidency, because this recall election is going to affect his campaign in November,” says Ben Sparks, communications director for the Republican Party of Wisconsin.” Continue Reading

Trinity Church @ WS and upcoming trial of ‘trespassers’ #OWS #OccupyTheology HT @MicahBales

@MicahBales tweeted an article from DailyKOS on continued conflict bewtween Trinity Wall St. Church. other Episcopalians,  and the #OWS movement. On June 11th, the first trials of Occupy activists accused of trespassing on church land at Canal Street and Sixth Avenue on December 17th are scheduled to begin. Activists said they hoped to establish a new encampment on the vacant lot, though Continue Reading

The Inane Meme about #OWS from the Right Wing: #OWS = Partisan Leftist Politics

I just found this in a Google search on “occupy faith church theology”  ,  under the heading “Was Jesus a Communist?”. Turns out it was an article by a right wing group,  and it fed right into their mentality of “warnings” about the “unholy” or “dangerous” evils that lurk in protest movements. The Occupy Wall Street OWS movement, which the Continue Reading