Oil Companies #Shame #OWS #GasPrices

NBC News led Tuesday night with a story on gas prices going up,  during a time when the economy is trying to recover.  And I ,  like I have been for a few years now,  and especially since the economic crisis hit,  why are oil companies allowed to brag about “record profits” while they seem unwilling to “share the load” as one of the richest conglomerates in the world.  Where is their patriotism?  Where is their “share the load” responsibility?  Perhaps they need some “Occupy” medicine.  Occupy has been the most effective educator of our populace regarding the economic realities,  and in raising to public awareness the runaway greed and irresponsible and GREEDY , SELFISH behavior of the nation’s ONE PERCENT  (and as we have been informed lately,  it’s an even smaller minority than that…the top .0025 percent control an even more disproportionate share of our wealth.

And  not only do the oil companies have a strangle hold on controlling what we do for our energy needs,  they exert their enormous power to keep us in those dire straits. They create think tanks to actually try to undermine science,  and they are aided by their lackeys in Congress,  mostly Republicans  in that a-scientific ignorance (and Democrats who may not have joined the inane GOP characterization of global warming a shoax,  but nevertheless do the bidding of this industry as so moved by massive amounts of lobbying money).  So not only do they horde their riches,  and continue to bilk us and refuse to use their massive reserves to aid our recovery (which practically,  would eventually help their own “bottom line”!)  ,  they expend that massive wealth to distort information to help prop up their dominance.

Oil companies,  in my estimation,  are one of the top (if not THE top) “ensconcers” of the 1%,  and a deeply “profiteering” corporate force that cares only about itself and not at all for the country in which its “home customer base ” live their  lives.

Interesting how Exon and BP seem to be the bulk of advertising on MSNBC.


About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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