Why has noone heard of Alan Colmes aside from Fox News? #fakenews

When I ran across a mention of Alan Colmes (I later realized it was a blog post from 2006,  when Hannity and Colmes was still on the air),  I was reminded of my wondering where he came from,  and who had ever asked his opinion on ANYTHING before Hannity and Colmes.  Which lends credence to the idea that Colmes is a straw man liberal at the service of Fox News’ straw arguments.   Since his leaving Hannity and Colmes,  I have never seen or heard or read anything where he is called upon for his opinion.  It’s one of those “Fox News Fictions/Appearances/Posings” to give us a token liberal view;  but it’s not even a token.  It seems much more like a complete sham.  I saw that he has a syndicated radio show,  but oh,  wait,  it’s on Fox News Radio.  And oh,  by the way,  no one EVER refers to anything said on that show (hence,  my ignorance that he even has such a show).

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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