molecular age of information @scobleizer #wiredchurch

Today Robert Scoble posted something that has my wheels churning.  He asks several questions of tool makers (for the Web) as to why we don’t have tools that do things that make it easier for us to build molecular structures of information that more precisely fit how our brains work.  It is just these sorts of things that I want to help bring before my audience,  the church and its communications leaders,  and challenge our community to apply these insights to how we “handle” information and seek to help our people help shape the molecules that we need to think theologically about the social web.

Scoble’s summary

Someday soon these questions will be answered and then you’ll know we’re in the molecular age of information.I want to mix content together to make even more powerful content, but no one is giving us tools to create real-time molecules.

via Coming soon: the disruptive molecular age of information.

Look at the article,  and then think about what it is that we need to stick together (or what we are “keeping apart” that works together so naturally to provide something useful) to make our task of helping  the church BE the church ,  and in the process,  tell its story.  I for one sense that it is thinking like this about informaiton that we sorely need to utilize in the church to enable our “crowd” to become an effective crowdsource.   We need to enable each other to organize all of our creativity.

I think a step in this direction is a step away from TIRED to being WIRED (to use an old WIRED magazine analysis/meme)

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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