Trying to figure out StyleCatcher

I’m having a hack of a time trying to get StyleCatcher working. Anybody know what directory needs permissions? My StyleCatcher Plugin is under my /mt/plugins/StyleCatcher

the themes folders are under /mt/mt-static/themes

whenever I try to apply a selected theme in StyleCatcher, I get this error: “Could not create theme-april_showers folder – Check that your ‘themes’ folder is webserver-writable”

Update: I think I got it.

NOw I’m getting the themes to “load” (emptied my data in the mtplugins table, and re-ran the settings setup for StyleCatcher, where I found the wrong direcotories listed

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

One Reply to “Trying to figure out StyleCatcher”

  1. jeremy

    Still having problems? Drop me an email if so and I might be able to assist – I’ve recently finished the migration to 3.2 and stylecatcher. There are a couple static paths that you may need to change if you’re using vhosting w/ your webserver in addition to a few other problems detailed on the Six Apart forums…

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