I’m having a hack of a time trying to get StyleCatcher working. Anybody know what directory needs permissions? My StyleCatcher Plugin is under my /mt/plugins/StyleCatcher
the themes folders are under /mt/mt-static/themes
whenever I try to apply a selected theme in StyleCatcher, I get this error: “Could not create theme-april_showers folder – Check that your ‘themes’ folder is webserver-writable”
Update: I think I got it.
NOw I’m getting the themes to “load” (emptied my data in the mtplugins table, and re-ran the settings setup for StyleCatcher, where I found the wrong direcotories listed
Still having problems? Drop me an email if so and I might be able to assist – I’ve recently finished the migration to 3.2 and stylecatcher. There are a couple static paths that you may need to change if you’re using vhosting w/ your webserver in addition to a few other problems detailed on the Six Apart forums…