Quotation style text

I just noticed that the font in my quotation boxes changes if the quote runs more than one paragraph. Why is this?

Here’s the CSS:
blockquote {
margin: 9px;
padding-top: 9px;
padding-right: 9px;
padding-left: 9px;
padding-bottom: 9px; }

and there’s this section:
.content blockquote {
line-height: 150%;

There are p tags inside these blockquote sections (the gray backgrounds) where the font changes, so apparently the p tag is over-riding the font type and size for the blockquote. Is there a global way –like something I can do in my CSS file, to circumvent this p tag resetting of the blockquote font type and size?

5 Replies to “Quotation style text”

  1. forrest

    I’ve ran into similar problems in the past, and for me I think they were due to something in paragraph tags.

    I couldn’t ever figure it out exactly, so I now just put the empty space code in place of where there are line breaks, essentially making everything one paragraph that looks like its broken up.

    The code for that is nbsp; with & in front of it (I typed it that way in case your CMS actually replaces it with a space)

  2. ericisrad

    Yeah bro, I got your back. Below the “.content p{ stuff…}” definition, add this:

    “.content blockquote p {
    font-size: x-small;

    (without quotes), and you’ll be set. You’re now specifically defining a “p” tag inside a “blockquote” tag that’s extending from the already-defined “content” class. I think that’s it, anyway.

  3. Chris Capoccia

    The first paragraph in your blockquote is not set off by <p>”™s, but the rest are. So they are controlled by different portions of your stylesheet.

  4. Chris Capoccia

    maybe I should have been more exact about how to fix this problem. movable type has always messed up how blockquotes should be written in html. it should be:


    I used the Regex plugin to correct Movable Type”™s html in the comments.

    <MTAddRegex name=”blockquoteopen”>s|<blockquote>|<blockquote><p>|g</MTAddRegex>
    <MTAddRegex name=”blockquoteclose”>s|</blockquote>|</p></blockquote>|g</MTAddRegex>

    In my entries that used blockquotes, I set the Text Formatting to “none” instead of “Convert Line Breaks” and did all the html myself.

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