What Kerry voted FOR and AGAINST

Now listen, any of you Bush-ditto-heads (like they would be reading this— well, just in case— or , “here’s what I would say as a “testimony to the truth” to those who drink the koolaid; accept the lie” — here is something that you actually have to READ and think of in REAL HUMAN terms, and not as a short, simple, pithy, sound-bite.

Thanks to Eric for just pointing this out to me:

Bush won’t mention his veto threat. Joe Klein doesn’t mention it either

KERRY: When say I voted for it, I was willing to vote for the $87 billion providing we paid for it! Providing we asked Americans to sacrifice, all of us together. So Joe Biden and I…brought an amendment to say, Hey America –rather than have a $690 billion tax cut for everybody over the next ten years who are earning over $200,000, why don’t we take just $600 billion, and that way we pay for the war right up front and not add it to the deficit. Guess what? George Bush said no. The Republicans said no. And what they’re doing is trying once again to mislead America as they do so effectively, make a joke out of something that’s serious.

One Reply to “What Kerry voted FOR and AGAINST”

  1. Eric Lee

    Their whole line is completely hypocritical because George W. Bush threatened to veto a form of the bill himself. He threatened to veto the bill if the money was appropriated by loans, because he wanted it in the form of grants.

    They joke and they clown and they know it. They play the country for fools.

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