9/11 Farenheit

Well, I went and saw it today after work. Boy am I depressed. If Bush is indeed complicit in the things that are implied, he deserves every “cheap shot” the movie takes at him. And oh, yeah, just for the Limbaugh ditto -heads out there, if the same kinds of connections were found between Clinton and the Saudis that Moore outlines as connections to the Bush family, he would be all over him. Same goes for Church-Republican-melders; they complain about how everybody is “all over Bush for EVERYTHING”…..as if this is not really something to be concerned about — and why should it be? He’s “God’s man”. Make me puke. Meke me entirely petrified about what these cowboys are getting us into. Never mind that THE WORLD basically is appalled at us; but hey, what do “those Europeans” know anyway? They’re all a part of a great worldwide conspiracy against righteousness (read “us”).

THis is all a perfect example about how Satan disguises himself as an “angel of light” (in fact, Bush seems fond of just hose passages that talk about light, and uses /misuses them often). I’m not into the “Satan” as a personal being thing; I’m concerned about the massive deceptive power that worldwide myths about the “success” of meeting violence with violence — the ends justify the means type thinking. It is NOT a Christian ethic. Period.

LOVE your enemies. LOVE your neighbor. Do Unto others AS YOU WOULD HAVE them do unto you……None of this can reconcile with what I see now.

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