on “The Inherent Anarchism of Christianity” @reseudaimon

Love this blog post.  It draws upon two of the most instrumental theologians in the introduction of many Chriatians into the way of “anarchy”; a term  that many people use to express their fear of stepping outside of the box of “the way things are” as defined by the culture, and by nations.

We have, as Stanley Hauerwas and John Howard Yoder have continually reminded us, no necessary investment in propping up Caesar as a gateway to relevance.–Derek Penwell at http://drdlpenwell.wordpress.com/2011/12/10/the-inherent-anarchism-of-christianity/

When people talk about people being onthe street and foreclosed homes standing empty and that this should not be,  and we have Occupy movements putting homeless families in vacant foreclosed homes,  people ,  Christians included,  get up in arms and shake their head and ask how people can think like this;  “of course these people have to have the money to pay to live there”;  and they take offense that these people “want something for nothing”.  (I was just watching “Up With Chris Hayes segment here http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/45623209#45623209)  Many Christians also staunchly defend “law and order” while granting anmesty to the trespasses of “the free market” invoked by the powers that be;  who claim that this system should be left to its “natural operation”,  and somehow these Christians seem to ignore what has  come tobe a basic staple of conservative theology:  “That humankind  is basically sinful”;  and yet the system,  the “free market” is not,  even though many would have to admit that this was not constructed by God (and yet Iam sure there are those who WOULD say just that.  And I have heard them.  It’s a part of the “God had a purpose  for America” crowd,  and that our system evolved in a way not dissimilar to the development of  the present day canon of Scripture: that God was there in the process to ensure that what resulted was an authoritative record,  and therefore divinely revealed.

I don’t subscribe to that,  and I don’t subscribe to the sanctity and inerrancy of the “free market”.  Especially since it involves the allocation of riches.  I think Jesus had more to say about that reality than he  did about homosexuality (which he NEVER mentioned).  And yet the Christian Right has accepted the lesson  that the rich are not be questioned;  that they “provide for us” and will naturally do what is right for all of us,  and they are the safe guarders and active agents of “The Invisible Hand”.



About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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