Solidarity not Prayer; an intense critique of Progressive Christian leadership HT @MicahBales #occupytheology #wgf11

Wow.  This was the first article I read today.  Agree with all except the assessment of Campolo and Wallis.  Both are well aware of “systems” that must be dismantled and challenged.  But also,  there is a disturbing lack of actual particpation, support,  and aid to the Occupy movement that I think is needed from the churches who are not asleep.

And due to the fact that I have read just about every book Campolo has written,  I seriously dissent from lumping him in  with the critique she is making about the paternalism of the liberal Christians,  and I also feel she unfairly associated Wild Goose with  that as well.  Communities and evnets like Wild Goose are fertile ground for moving people deeper into such realities. Sure,  there are people who struggle on the outside of coming to live IN those places where they BELIEVE they should be,  and even denying how far short they come in doing so.  But I think this is at the core of why God calls us as CHURCH,  where we can be formed in such things.  If I had not had a Tony Campolo and a Jim Wallis,  I would not have been introduced to the need for prophetic voices.  Indeed,  after having been raised in a Southern Baptist home and surrounded by many friends who closely aligned themselves with the Religious Right,  I could have gone in a very different direction.  Indeed,  it is becuase of such writers  and speakers and events that I am in constant dialogue with others who theologize with me about the “principalities and powers”,  and help me to recognize those  places where I am still in captivity to them,  as are my fellow sojourners in the faith.  I agree with Kristin that Occupy represents an opportunity for churches and Christians to put up or shut up.  This is why I have taken a step to do some help to the movement by helping to rally churches to the movement in some concrete way.  And there is SO MUCH yet to do from my end.  One great outcome so far in my endeavors is that I was LINKED to this article of Krsitin’s by @MicahBales who is deeply involved in #OccupyDC

I share Kristen’s reaction to Shane Claiborne’s comment about Jesus being for the 100%.  In this context,  it is certainly a quip that is a bit inane and beside the point.  Jesus certainly singled out  the rich,  and Shane talks about this all the time.  I was disappointed when I saw that a couple weeks back.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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