a rebel with a cause by @RogerWolsey and a real link to Christ

@RogerWolsey blogged this over the weekend,  and I had gone to the link and clicked over to read the remainder of the original article.  I thought I had been linking to Roger’s post, who had brought the  article to my attention in the first place.  And ,  most importantly,  this observation is even more directly “theological” ,  seeing that Roger highlights the connection between the conscientious commitments of so-called “secular” people and actual OBEDIENCE.  The faith OF Christ rather than faith IN Christ  (a little Pauline theology via Stendahl)

It seems to me that Pancho is one of the best followers of Jesus I’ve come across…  except that he isn’t…. except that he is.By whatever source, by whatever influence, by whatever name or label, may we all “PhDo” our acts of loving-kindess in this world of need.


About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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