The Falling Sky

Many conservatives might identify ecological crisis writing as “The Sky is Falling” writing, since it knows what the science is telling us about what we’ve known, when we’ve known it, and what our responses have been. But one might as well call the Bible a “Sky is Falling” book, since it begins with an affirmation (“it is good”) that is Continue Reading

Am I to be an Earth Keeper? Genesis 2:15 says “Yes” from the Get-Go

For those interested in the science, history, and politics (and ultimately, the theology) of the Ecological Crisis in this country, there is a major feature run by the New York Times Magazine this week:…/…/climate-change-losing-earth.html This is a major “Doctrinal” issue for the church, in that this issue, and the outrageous denial and political battle it has precipitated, has blinded Continue Reading