caught up together in this culture of self-centered greed via @micahBales #OWS #occupychurch

Wow.  A truly great statement of faith by one who seeks to #OccupyChurch #occupyTheology #occupyFaith I believe in the struggle for economic justice and grassroots democracy represented by the Occupy movement. I believe that the corruption of the wealthiest elites must be exposed and challenged. I believe that the poor and middle classes – the 99% – must join together Continue Reading

Principalities & Powers in #OWS #OccupyChurch via @Micahbales

On not demonizing the one percent: Our fight is not with human beings, but with the dark forces that keep us all enmeshed in a system that develops our most twisted and selfish inclinations Instead,  as Micah discusses,  recognize that “the spirit of the One Percent is alive within all of us”

The Spirit of the 1% by @MicahBales #occupyChurch #OWS

treating others as irredeemable objects of frustration – [is] clearly out of line with my Christian faith. Jesus laid down his own life for those who hated and oppressed him, and as a disciple of Jesus Christ, I am called to pray for those who persecute me.At the same time, Jesus stood up against the predatory lenders of his day. He Continue Reading