Occupy Wall Street – Salon.com #OWS #Social Networks

One of the things for which  the Net has been invaluable in my journey of late is to keep me “in the loop” with what is happening amongst the Occupy movement.  I hear various people talking about how they aren’t noticing Occupy much of late.  Well one,  if you depend on the mainstream media,  that will be the impression.  But Continue Reading

American Spring – Salon.com#

Salon has two sections on their website related to #Occupy.  One is an “Occupy Wall Street” section,  and one is an “American Spring” section.  I am looking into both of these to see what the differences are.  I am putting this in my #OccupyTheology section/post-type,  beause I draw a close relation between “theological thought”,  and the aspirations of the passionately Continue Reading

The New World That’s Possible; Inequality Matters: BillMoyers.com

This from an article on Bill Moyers’ website expresses for me the anger and the disgust I feel toward the clueless, selfish, out of touch arrogance that is the attitude of the frontrunner candidates. So no, Mitt Romney, when we say that Americans are waking up to the reality that inequality matters, we’re not guilty of “envy” or “class warfare,” as Continue Reading

Imagining a New Reality and #OWS

My favorite writer, Elizabeth O’Connor,  who wrote accounts of the journey and history of The Church of the Saviour in Washington, DC,  wrote about envisioning a new world in this selection from the Inward Outward blog (this blog posts daily selections from a host of great theological writings).  I thought it very relevant to how interested I have been in Continue Reading

The Rev. Madison Shockley: Jesus and the 99 Percent – Truthdig

A “Progressive Christianity” stance toward OWS as articulated by pastor of Pilgrim United Church of Christ in Carlsbad CA,  Rev. Madison Shockley II Occupy Wall Street’s message to the church is, “If you were doing your job we wouldn’t be necessary.” http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/jesus_and_the_99_percent_20111202/?ln The above quote comes close to my sense of this.  If the church were actually accustomed to being Continue Reading

Authority No Longer a Badge granted by Publication from Too Big To Know by @dweinberger

Continuing my reading in Davide Weinbberger’s Too Big To Know,  the BOOK has lost its dominance as the bestower of authority.  The conversations it initiates,  and the test of feedback and author reply and recirculating or restaing or rethinking has brought about a challenge to the traditional means of authority.  This is already having impact on the notions we have Continue Reading

MLK, The Church, and Poor People via @smanskar

I suspect we will hear nothing about Dr. King’s opposition to the war in Viet Nam. We certainly will not see or hear anything about the Poor People’s Campaign he helped to lead when he was assassinated in April 1968. http://wesleyanleadership.wordpress.com/2012/01/16/mlk-the-church-and-poor-people/

MLK vs The Status Quo via @jarrodmckenna

Jarrod McKenna wrote today,  on this MLK day 2012,  about the big problem so many Americans have in co-opting MLK and making him a “cheerleader” for whatever cause they please.  I have heard this over and over from those who oppose the Occupy movement on the basis of “lawlessness” and seemingly the very idea of being critical of U.S. structures. Continue Reading

more from #MLK and the #OWS via @tikkunonline by @bescofield

<A HREF=”http://ws.amazon.com/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&MarketPlace=US&ID=V20070822%2FUS%2Ftheoblogical-20%2F8005%2Ff6fdcec6-01e1-491d-84fb-8edf78634575&Operation=NoScript”>Amazon.com Widgets</A> Be Schofield’s article I blogged about earlier includes this assesment of MLK’s “final campaign” (the Poor People’s March)  : King had developed several goals in his final campaign, which may or may not inspire the OWS movement. He had hoped the Poor People’s Campaign would achieve direct employment through a massive public works program, a guaranteed annual Continue Reading

#MLK and #OWS« SpeakEasy by @BeSchofield #OWS

On Dr. King’s birthday, Jan. 15th 1968 – which was sadly to be his last – he was organizing with a multi-racial coalition of Native Americans, Chicanos, Appalachian whites and urban black people to start an encampment in Washington D.C. that would be a massive “nonviolent army” which would “cripple the operation of an oppressive society.” By 1968, King’s earlier Continue Reading

Blog on MLK quote: “maybe MLK Quote: “America must move toward a democratic socialism”- MLK via @TheNation

“You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry.… Now this means that Continue Reading

King vs Tea Party: From the Poor People’s Campaign to Occupy #occupythelogy #OWS via John Nichols @TheNation

A good one from John Nichols of The Naiton re: MLK and OWS: Asked about “Occupy Wall Street,” Congressman West declared this week: “Martin Luther King Jr. would not have backed these types of protesters.” Dr. King’s history, and his own words, say otherwise. http://www.thenation.com/blog/164080/king-versus-tea-party-poor-peoples-campaign-occupy Nichols quotes MLK: “America is at a crossroads of history, and it is critically important Continue Reading

Poor People’s Campaign to WS #OWS #occupytheology #PoorPeoplesMarch

This quotation from an article in CounterPunch brings some well considered rcommendation re:  what is needed from OWS based on where “the problem” lies.  Watching Bill Moyers talk to the authors of a book called “Winner Take All Politics”,  the evidence is pretty overwhelming that the normal “democratic process” has been increasingly rigged over the past 30 years. Martin Luther King, Jr. Continue Reading