twitter hashtag #UMCGC stream link filtered for Toxic Trolling

I’ve had it with the right-wing political culture dittoheads tweeting/trolling at #UMCGC

It started with a deluge of tweets from Mark Tooley of IRD,  and ballooned with scores of people RT-ing those tweets.  So I devised a filtered #UMCGC hashtag stream that omits all posts and RTs of either @theIRD or @MarkDTooley.  That took care of hundreds of right wing tweets.  Then I started adding some of the more toxic trolls of the same order,. one by one.  I am updating it for the rest of the week.  The link below is the latest version. Click on it,  or copy and paste it into a shortcut.

I posted it here and linked to it here from Twitter and Facebook so that I can perhaps avoud getting trolled by any of them (by having their handles in a tweet which is searchable.  This way,  I have a buffer from that…but not foolproof)

Updated, 4:58pm CDT 5/18/16  (a recent addition I just made to the filter was not one I “Disagree” with, or think inappropriate,  but just one that is posting just a bit too many pictures and making a similar point over and over that I have already accepted)

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